Best Medical Assisting Schools Near Mays Lick, Kentucky
Below are the top ranked medical assisting schools in the surrounding areas of Mays Lick, Kentucky
Address: 470 Cooper Drive, Lexington,Kentucky, Fayette County, 40506
In-State Tuition: $4,464
Out-of-State Tuition: $6,000
Full-time Enrollment: 11,619
Graduation Rate: 38%
Admission Rate: N/A
Programs Offered: 1
Available Medical Assisting Degree Programs:
Medical Clinical Assistant
Medical Assisting Degrees: Certificate, Associate's
Online Medical Assisting Degrees Offered: None
Address: 1755 U.S. Hwy 68, Maysville,Kentucky, Mason County, 41056
Address: 3520 Central Parkway, Cincinnati,Ohio, Hamilton County, 45223-2690
Address: 2139 Auburn Avenue, Cincinnati,Ohio, Hamilton County, 45219-2989
Address: 375 Dixmyth Ave, Cincinnati,Ohio, Hamilton County, 45220-2489
Address: 100 Hobart Drive, Hillsboro,Ohio, Highland County, 45133-9406
Medical Assistant Salary in Kentucky
Annual Median: $37,140
Hourly Median: $17.86
Data sourced from Career One Stop, provided by the BLS Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics wage estimates.
Percentile | Annual Salary |
10th | $28,560 |
25th | $32,970 |
Median | $37,140 |
75th | $41,600 |
90th | $45,490 |
Top Ranked Medical Assisting Schools Near Mays Lick, KY
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Paris, KY
Winchester, KY
Alexandria, KY
Georgetown, KY
Lexington, KY
Independence, KY
Fort Thomas, KY
Covington, KY
Newport, KY
Erlanger, KY
Florence, KY
Oakbrook, KY
Versailles, KY
Nicholasville, KY
Burlington, KY
Richmond, KY
Frankfort, KY
Francisville, KY
Ashland, KY
Lawrenceburg, KY
Berea, KY
Shelbyville, KY
Danville, KY
La Grange, KY
Jeffersontown, KY
Lyndon, KY
Mount Washington, KY
St. Matthews, KY
Bardstown, KY
Louisville, KY